SportsAbility Water Ski Event
April 20th 2024 Tallahassee FL
SportsAbility WaterSKi Event Will Be Open to The Public
But Pre Registration is Required on the Sportsability Web Site
This event is Open to the Public and is for WaterSkiing for People living with Physical and cognitive Function Disabilities and will be hosted by Ann's Angels at the SportsAbility Expo learn to Water Ski Clinic on April 20th 2024 from 10am till 3pm in Tallahassee at Maclay Gardens.
Registration Here for The Sportsability Waterski Event on their web site
All Participants Must Register With SportsAbility Click Link Below
ABOUT SportsAbility
SportsAbility enhances the lives of people with disabilities by promoting active living and providing first-hand access to resources and activities designed to encourage participation regardless of age or ability level. People are able to try everything from sit water-skiing to rock wall climbing, martial arts and much more!
Participants of all abilities learn about the value of recreation and active leisure for everyone – especially people with disabilities. People discover the latest in equipment, trends, and resources. SportsAbility provides an opportunity for people to network with people with disabilities, resource providers, and community organizations. There is NO CHARGE to participants thanks to our generous sponsors.
SportsAbility enhances the lives of people with disabilities by promoting active living and providing first-hand access to resources and activities designed to encourage participation regardless of age or ability level. People are able to try everything from sit water-skiing to rock wall climbing, martial arts and much more!
Participants of all abilities learn about the value of recreation and active leisure for everyone – especially people with disabilities. People discover the latest in equipment, trends, and resources. SportsAbility provides an opportunity for people to network with people with disabilities, resource providers, and community organizations. There is NO CHARGE to participants thanks to our generous sponsors.